Contact Us

Booking & Contact

Feel free to reach out for more details about any of my services!

Booking information

Please email or text me if you are interested in booking an appointment with me. When booking you will be sent an e-mail with a payment link to PayPal.

If this is your first appointment with me you will be booked within 7 days!

Payment & cancellation

  • Payments not made within 48 hours of booking will be cancelled!
  • Cancellation policy of 48 hours before your appointment. If you can’t make it to your appointment, please send an e-mail or text. 
  • No refund if cancellation policy is not respected.

Before you book an appointment make sure to read the Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy


  • Phone: +467 36 69 01 80
  • Email:

Or use our contact form!

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